Heading into the Desert
I have to admit, driving from Otjiwarongo to Sossusvlei on my own, was a mental challenge. And it’s funny because driving to Epupa has never phased me. But just because it was new to me and the first time driving alone, I was nervous. Well, quite a bit actually. Once I was on the road, audio book playing and the road stretching out in front of me, all the nerves disappeared and I headed towards my destination. I soon realised that I highly underestimated my driving time. Being alone, gave me the freedom to stop for every “photo”. And stopped I did. I arrived a good two hours after I planned on arriving, but I had a serious amount of landscape shots that I really looked forward to editing.
It is thus my privilege to share with you tonight a teeny tiny bit of the country I call home.
Leaving the tar behind, heading towards Spreetshoogte
And Down into the Valley towards Sossusvlei
You have Reached your Destination
Welcome to Desert Homestead & Horse Trails. Heaven is place on Earth? I may just agree.
I will write more about Desert Homestead in an upcoming post.
Returning Home
… With a considerable amount of less stops.
So Why Should the Namib Desert be on your Bucket list?
I can probably write a whole blog just on this, but for the purpose of this post, we’ll focus on the Namib Desert.
The Namib Desert is isolated. Even in Peak Season (August), you can drive for miles without seeing a single soul. For the person looking to clear his/her head – this is it. The Namib Desert offers you better therapy than you can find anywhere on this planet. I know what it meant to me.
It is safe. As a woman, travelling alone, this is a priority to me. There isn’t a lot of African countries where I will cover these distances on my own. And yes, when you receive a flat, you may have to wait a while for help if you don’t know how to change a tyre.
This is dream-country to the photographer in you. I can spend a whole day on this road… there are just so many crooks and crannies to photograph. Take the time!
The number of top-class establishments in this area with superb activities are out of this world. From Namib Sky’s Ballooning, to Desert Homestead’s Horse Trails… and this is just the tip of the sand dune.
If you are considering a photoshoot while in the area, you know who to contact.
If you would like to make use of a travel agent – ATI Holidays will offer you the best in service with a whole library worth of local knowledge.
You simply cannot go wrong.
Say Hi!